24th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems - ITSC2021
September 19-22, 2021
Indianapolis, IN, United States


1) All of you are invited to attend the in-person conference program that includes plenary and technical breakout sessions, opening ceremony, banquet and awards presentation, and closing ceremony. The in-person technical breakout sessions consists of paper presentations given by authors attending the in-person conference at the hotel. The detailed in-person conference program information and schedule are given at:

You may need to copy and paste this link on a browser to open it. Please enter your registration confirmation number such as ITSC20211234, as username and password to access all files corresponding to only the in-person program.

2) All virtual attendees are invited to attend in-person plenary and technical sessions and other events via Zoom webinar links provided below:

Please check the program schedule including date/time and room for all these sessions and events at the PaperCept website:

3) In addition to the in-person conference program, we have developed a virtual conference program which is delivered by a unique on-demand Virtual Conference Platform (VCP) in the PaperCept environment. VCP consists of all accepted papers, pre-recorded video presentations, and presentation slides, and will be open for a 30-day period starting Sept 19.

To access the full virtual conference program, please follow these steps:

(1) Go to: https://events.paperhost.net/conferences/conferences/ITSC21/proceedings/vc

(2) Enter your PaperCept PIN (5-digit number) and pwd, if the person is registered, s/he will be able to access the proceedings including all PDF files, videos, slide decks etc.

Please note: when you view video presentations, you can leave comments and questions for authors to respond. No synchronous presentations with Q&A will be given in the on-demand virtual program.

The 24th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC 2021) is the annual flagship conference sponsored by the IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society. IEEE ITSC 2021 welcomes articles and presentations in the field of Intelligent Transportation Systems, conveying new developments in theory, analytical and numerical simulation and modeling, experimentation, advanced deployment and case studies. ITSC 2021 particularly invites and encourages prospective authors to share their work, findings, perspectives and developments as related to implementation and deployment of advanced ITS applications.

Important Deadlines


  1. If papers are submitted to workshop sessions, they must go through the same review process as regular and special session papers (submission deadline: March 31, 2021).
  2. Tutorials and industrial sessions do not have papers, only presentations.