Best Paper Awards:

  • 1st: UniMSF: A Unified Multi-Sensor Fusion Framework for Intelligent Transportation System Global Localization, by Wei Liu, Jiaqi Zhu*, Guirong Zhuo, Wufei Fu, Zonglin Meng, Yishi lu, Min Hua, Feng Qiao, You Li, Yi HE, Xiong Lu.
  • 2nd: Semantic Trajectory Data Mining with LLM-Informed POI Classification, by Yifan Liu, Chenchen Kuai, Haoxuan Ma, Xishun Liao*, Brian Yueshuai He, Jiaqi Ma.
  • 3rd: Traffic Simulator AI-based Surrogate for an Urban Road Network, by Filippo Cantatore, Giacomo Raimondi, Luca Oneto, Andrea Coraddu, Cecilia Caterina Pasquale, Enrico Siri, Silvia Siri*, Simona Sacone, Davide Anguita.

Best Student Paper Awards:

  • 1st: GNSS Spoofing Detection and Elimination for Resilient Train Positioning using Spiking Neural Network and Compressed Sensing, by Siqi Wang, Jiang Liu*, Baigen Cai, Jian Wang, Debiao Lu.
  • 2nd: Urban Traffic Forecasting with Integrated Travel Time and Data Availability in a Conformal Graph Neural Network Framework, by Mayur Patil*, Qadeer Ahmed, Shawn Midlam-Mohler.
  • 3rd: Trajectory Prediction for Autonomous Driving using Agent-Interaction Graph Embedding, by Jilan Samiuddin*, Benoit Boulet, Di Wu.

Best Application Paper Awards:

  • 1st: Improving Dynamic Wireless Charging System Performance For Electric Vehicles Through Variable Speed Limit Control Integration, by Guanhao Xu,Xia Wang,Ruili Yao,Yejia Liao,Jingran Sun,Xi Cheng,Huiying Fan,Zejiang WANG,Burak Ozpineci,Jonathan Sprinkle,Peng Hao,Matthew Barth*.
  • 2nd: Estimating electric vehicle charging demand and its impact on the power grid using mobile phone data, by Jiazu Zhou*, Seanglidet Yean, Tianyu Dong, Bu Sung Lee, Markus Schläpfer.
  • 3rd: Ground Plane Projection for Improved Traffic Analytics at Intersections, by Sajjad Pakdamansavoji*, Kumar Vaibhav Jha, Baher Abdulhai, James Elder.

IEEE ITSC 2024 Paper Award Selection

We will recognize outstanding contributions with the following awards: Best Paper Award, Best Student Paper Award, and Best Application Paper Award. This ensures a diverse distribution of recognitions and encourages the submission of a variety of high-quality papers. 

Best Paper Award: All submitted papers to the conference are eligible for the Best Paper Award. This includes papers authored by professionals, researchers, faculty members, industry practitioners, and students.

Best Student Paper Award: Only papers with a student as the first author are eligible for the Best Student Paper Award. The student must be enrolled in an academic institution at the time of submission. Co-authors can include faculty members and other researchers, but the primary contribution should come from the student.

Best Application Paper Award: Only papers that emphasize practical applications with real-world experiments or have at least one author from the industry are eligible for the Best Application Paper Award. This includes papers authored by professionals, researchers, faculty members, industry practitioners, and students.

We will primarily rely on the review reports for the award selection. As a supplemental channel, we also accept nominations for the awards. The Award Committee will generate a shortlist by selecting the top papers in each category (general, student, and application). The nomination is outlined below.

Nominations: We allow nominations for the Best Paper, Best Student Paper, and Best Application Paper categories. Three valid references are needed for the nomination of each paper. The signature is required for each nomination letter. The nomination must be submitted by the nominator directly using the electronic form portal. The deadline for nominations is July 18, 2024.

Criteria for Nominations: Nominated papers should have significant impact, innovative approaches, and outstanding contributions.

Nominators: Nominators should be from three different countries and at the IEEE Senior Member or IEEE Fellow level.

Evaluation and Shortlisting: The Award Committee will evaluate the nominated papers using the same criteria as the review process to finalize the shortlist of the nominated papers. The number of nominated papers selected for the shortlist will be less than 30% of the number of papers shortlisted based on review reports.

After consolidating the shortlist based on the review reports and the shortlist based on nominations, the Award Committee will select the final winners of the awards. Winners will be announced at the conference award ceremony.

For any questions or further information, please contact

We will recognize outstanding contributions with the following awards: Best Paper Award, Best Student Paper Award, and Best Application Paper Award. This ensures a diverse distribution of recognitions and encourages the submission of a variety of high-quality papers. 

Best Paper Award: All submitted papers to the conference are eligible for the Best Paper Award. This includes papers authored by professionals, researchers, faculty members, industry practitioners, and students.

Best Student Paper Award: Only papers with a student as the first author are eligible for the Best Student Paper Award. The student must be enrolled in an academic institution at the time of submission. Co-authors can include faculty members and other researchers, but the primary contribution should come from the student.

Best Application Paper Award: Only papers that emphasize practical applications with real-world experiments or have at least one author from the industry are eligible for the Best Application Paper Award. This includes papers authored by professionals, researchers, faculty members, industry practitioners, and students.

We will primarily rely on the review reports for the award selection. As a supplemental channel, we also accept nominations for the awards. The Award Committee will generate a shortlist by selecting the top papers in each category (general, student, and application). The nomination is outlined below.

Nominations: We allow nominations for the Best Paper, Best Student Paper, and Best Application Paper categories. Three valid references are needed for the nomination of each paper. The signature is required for each nomination letter. The nomination must be submitted by the nominator directly using the electronic form portal. The deadline for nominations is July 18, 2024.

Criteria for Nominations: Nominated papers should have significant impact, innovative approaches, and outstanding contributions.

Nominators: Nominators should be from three different countries and at the IEEE Senior Member or IEEE Fellow level.

Evaluation and Shortlisting: The Award Committee will evaluate the nominated papers using the same criteria as the review process to finalize the shortlist of the nominated papers. The number of nominated papers selected for the shortlist will be less than 30% of the number of papers shortlisted based on review reports.

After consolidating the shortlist based on the review reports and the shortlist based on nominations, the Award Committee will select the final winners of the awards. Winners will be announced at the conference award ceremony.

For any questions or further information, please contact